13 Thoughtful Gift Ideas To Please Minimalism Enthusiasts

Family playing classic table board games
Image Credit: Freepik

In a world where ‘less is more,’ getting the perfect gift for a minimalist can seem like a challenge. Fear not! We’ve scavenged through the world of Marie Kondo to help you with 13 thoughtful gift ideas that won’t affect a zen and decluttered space. Get ready to delight your loved one’s life with gifts that prove it’s not about the size but the joy it brings!

1. Digital Books

Woman reading an E-book on her tablet
Image Credit: Freepik.

E-books won’t clutter their physical space, making them an excellent gift for true minimalists. They can enjoy a vast library of literature without the need for physical shelf space. Plus, e-books are accessible on various devices. It all makes this a very practical present.

2. Art Supplies

Art supplies
Image Credit: Freepik.

The beauty of this gift is how great it is for both adults and kids of minimalists. Suppose you need help deciding which art supplies to gift; choose the basics. For example, try colored pencils, brushes, crayons, Crayola markers, butcher’s paper rolls, and printer paper cases. Paying for an art class to gauge their interest before buying art supplies is an equally thoughtful alternative.

3. Handmade All-Natural Candles

Handmade all-natural candles
Image Credit: Freepik.

You can always go right with candles, especially in reusable containers. Therefore, go for wider tin or glass containers at the opening. Narrow candle openings make the cleanup process difficult because your loved one may be unable to access the leftover wax. Alternatively, you can pay for candle-making lessons for your friends to pick out the scents they prefer for their candles.

4. Puzzles and Board Games

Family playing classic table board games
Image Credit: Freepik.

With a tight gifting budget, puzzles and board games are a less pricey option but thoughtful gift for minimalists. They are recyclable and a fun option for indoor meet-ups and relaxed afternoons. Game boards and puzzles are good gifts for people who like hosting their friends and family.

5. Money

Calculating a budget
Image Credit: Freepik.

When in complete doubt, you can always give cash. It sounds like a lazy excuse for a gift, but it isn’t. You never know what your loved one is going through financially. Money gifts could be what they need most at that time. Alternatively, if your loved one is in a publicized financial fix, you can help them settle the outstanding amount.

6. Pay for a House Cleaning Service

House cleaning service
Image Credit: Freepik.

You can use a company your friend uses regularly or research the best cleaning company in your area. Referrals will help you narrow down your search. Cleaning is overwhelming, especially for people who have a regular job. Therefore, a house cleaning service will help spruce up their home.

7. Cooking Lessons

Cooking lesson
Image Credit: Freepik.

Cooking classes are the perfect gift for anyone who enjoys cooking. You can pay for cooking lessons and explore on-site or online cooking classes. Alternatively, you can pay for a specific class that focuses on one cooking skill like mixing cocktails, baking, or knife skills. Online cooking classes will be better for people with tight schedules.

8. Salon or Spa Treatment

Women drinking coffee and relaxing in a salon
Image Credit: Freepik.

Everyone needs to take a break from life and relax. Here’s where getting pampered comes in. You can always go right with a simple manicure, pedicure, or full-body massage at a luxurious resort. If you need help deciding what body treatment to pay for, get a spa voucher and let them choose.

9. Books About Minimalism

Woman reading book in a living room
Image Credit: Freepik.

A minimalist who is an avid reader will appreciate a book that teaches them more about minimalism. There is so much more than meets the eye when it comes to minimalism, and all this information can be found in minimalism books. They will appreciate zero-waste living, digital minimalism, minimalism with children, and capsule wardrobes. There is a minimalism book out there on every challenge.

10. Education Platform Membership

E-learning education networking website
Image Credit: Freepik.

Platforms like Skillshare allow subscribers to upskill. They have mini-courses on many topics and fields. It’s a thoughtful gift for anyone who wants to get a new hobby, upskill for their profession, or learn new freelancer skills. Paying for their membership will help them get the ball rolling and keep them occupied.

11. Healthy Food Package

Bags vegetable box
Image Credit: Freepik.

Minimalists who appreciate a clean diet and simple lives will appreciate a healthy food package sent to their home or workplace. A normal gift package contains easy-to-prepare bakes, bowls, smoothies, and flatbreads, with instructions on preparing these convenient meals. Alternatively, you can ask for their grocery shopping list, buy, and deliver to their doorstep, or pick out some items and deliver

12. Exotic Indoor Plants

Monstera tree in pot
Image Credit: Freepik.

Has your loved one been talking about connecting more with nature? Well, getting them indoor plants as a gift is the answer. Plants are soothing and quiet companions that beautify our living spaces. Additionally, indoor plants help us connect with nature in the comfort of our homes. Therefore, choosing the right indoor plant will depend on your loved one’s taste, preference, and space.

13. Journal

Journal writing
Image Credit: Freepik.

Journalling is a rewarding lifestyle adjustment for minimalists. Minimalists can declutter their ideas and thoughts and organize them on paper for a simple life flow. Gifting a minimalist with a journal will help them simplify their lives and never forget how thoughtful you are. You can make the gift more thoughtful by creating a customized journal for your loved one using tools like Canva.

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