18 Low-Effort but High-Paying Jobs That Will Make You Rethink Your Career Path

Trailer tent camping & parking lot
Image Credit: Freepik.

Social media forums can ‘wow’ you. You know what I’m talking about if you are an avid social media user. The conversations in many of these forums can leave you in awe or shock. Reddit, for instance, is a treasure trove of jaw-dropping discussions. Recently, someone asked a simple yet intriguing question, “What are some easy jobs that pay surprisingly well?” 

The answers are eye-opening, and I’ve gathered the best ones for you. If you’ve ever wanted a high-paying job with little effort, you’re in for a treat. Let’s dive in and discover these hidden gems!

1. Product Manager in a Large Company

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Imagine making $250,000 a year and working only 25-30 hours a week, all from the comfort of your home. Product managers at large companies have it made.

2. Payment Systems Management

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If you’re passionate about computers and financial technology, consider a career in payment systems management. You’ll spend your days ensuring credit card processing systems run smoothly and cash in about $150,000 a year, plus bonuses and other perks.

3. Being a Companion at a Nursing Home

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Redditors agree that working as a caregiver at a retirement home is lucrative and requires little effort. According to the comments, you can spend 4-hour shifts with seniors seven days a week for $200 daily. The gig can sometimes be a bit boring, but it’s blessed.

4. Owning a Parking Lot

Trailer tent camping & parking lot
Image Credit: Freepik.

Owning a parking lot offers a steady source of passive income, requiring minimal daily effort once established. The operational costs are very low, and overall – it’s a stress-free business.

5. Sales

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Sales may sound daunting, but you can excel with little effort if you’re outgoing, personable, and honest. Some people even surpass their managers and owners with their monthly sales, making high six figures.

Understandably, you must work hard to keep up with leads and make the sale, but it can be more fun than a burden.

6. Pharmaceutical Sales

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Pharmaceutical sales, in particular, are very lucrative and offer huge bonuses. The work is inconsistent, and the industry is not always rosy. People change departments or sales territories, companies merge, etc. 

So, as with all sales jobs, you need to have a charismatic personality to succeed. A thick skin and unshakable self-confidence are also essential because you will be told “no” many times.

7. Industrial Radiographer

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As a licensed industrial radiographer, you’ll spend much time on the job site. But here’s the fun part: in your free time, you’ll often sleep, watch TV, and even goof off while still getting paid high! Sometimes, you might even get a ‘paid vacation,’ like one lucky fellow exploring LA for 60 days, all on the company’s tab.

8. Scrum Master

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Don’t know what a Scrum Master does? I didn’t know at first either; interestingly enough, it’s a mystery to many.

As a Scrum Master, you talk to the developers so management doesn’t have to. You also take on project management tasks. One Redditor said, “It’s like being a project manager for a particular approach to software development.”

9. Senior Developer

Hipster man working online as a freelancer
Image Credit: Freepik.

Like Scrum Master, some developers, especially in large corporations, enjoy great working conditions and relaxed time schedules. Mostly, they work fully remotely. Sometimes, it’s even confusing why the companies keep paying them all this money.

10. Corporate AV Tech

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Corporate AV techs often have event-based schedules. While setting up shows can be hard work, monitoring microphones and PowerPoint presentations during downtime is a breeze. The hours may be erratic, but the pay is definitely worth it.

11. Day Trading

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Day trading seems effortless when just clicking buttons to buy and sell stock. However, the real challenge lies in the extensive studying, practice, and risk management required to succeed. Most fail, but the rewards can be substantial. You can literally make $ 1,000 in 5 minutes or 5 hours of trading.

12. Accounting

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As a staff accountant, you can complete your weekly workload in a few days, leaving plenty of time for coasting. No taxes or auditing – just smooth sailing.

13. Email Marketing Strategist

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If you’re into developing email communication strategies for brands, this gig is cushy. Research industry trends and privacy laws, and build decks to describe your strategy. That IS all it entails, and you get to enjoy a work-life balance and a comfortable paycheck.

14. Client Success Specialist (Or Customer Support Manager)

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This job is pretty similar to tech support, where you handle customer inquiries and problems with pure product knowledge. It’s relatively easy to resolve most issues, which often boil down to customers not really understanding the product (nothing a quick call can’t fix). Or, whatever it is they want is impossible.

15. Content Writer/Developer

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Imagine starting a career at $40 an hour, and in a few years, you can hit $95 an hour. Tempting, right? As a content writer/developer, you only “work” 8 hours daily, but in reality, you only work 4-5 hours. Some days, even less!

16. Machine Maintenance

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Fixing machines in a factory can be exhausting when something breaks, but 99% of the time, you’re enjoying Netflix in a climate-controlled environment and making over $100,000 a year.

17. IT Manager at a University

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When you become an IT manager at a college, you’ll primarily be signing off on timecards, confirming parts orders, and ensuring technicians don’t all take vacation simultaneously. The techs manage their schedules and workloads.

18. Virtual Flat Mate

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Trust me, I was as surprised as you are now, but apparently, “Virtual Flat Mate” is a thing these days. Many people feel lonely in their apartments, so they look for a platonic friend to keep them company occasionally. 

Insiders say the job is very fulfilling, and the pay is pretty good. So, I’d say, go for it if you can. For an average of $50 an hour, all you’ll have to do is chat, call, and text on Zoom.

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Businesswoman feeling bored
Image Credit: Freepik.

Do you often find yourself putting off tasks until the last minute, only to feel stressed and overwhelmed? You’re not alone! Many people struggle with chronic procrastination, but the good news is that there are effective strategies to overcome it.

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