Only a couple of percent of people have naturally green eyes making it the rarest eye color in the world. If you are one of them consider yourself lucky because you’re just as energetic and fun-loving as the green color of your eyes.
Green eyes stand out wherever they go. Be it an official meeting or a party at friend’s you are bound to enjoy attention from all corners of the place. And why not? You are part of an exclusive club.
So why not enhance the beauty and glamour of green eyes with excellent makeup. Choose one of the stunning green eyeshadow looks, if you want. But not only that. Gold, brown, lilac, and other colors and shades are perfect with green eyes.
All these makeup ideas enhance the beauty of green eyes.
Green Eye Makeup Tutorials
Just note, that since everyone has different shades of green, we recommend that while applying eyeshadow for smokey eyes you should carefully apply each coat of makeup. That would make a considerable difference in the final outcome.
1. Dramatic Gold Green Eye Makeup Tutorial
This Rihanna inspired look could be yours in 5 minutes. Here’s how.
- Get hold of your Urban Decay Naked Palette for this look
- Cover the crease of your eye with Buck. Extend it up into your brow-bone. This shade should be applied along your lower lash-line lightly.
- Sidecar should be applied to your entire eyelid.
- Apply Sin to the inner corners of your eyes, extending up towards row bone.
- Apply Virgin to your brow bone for highlight.
- Apply a liquid liner (or a black gel) to your upper lash line and then create a feline flick.
- Curl your lashes and apply mascara and add false eyelashes (the look is incomplete without these).
2. Brown and Gold Makeup
A dramatic looked could be achieved with a brown smokey eye.
You could also get it by applying eyeshadow primer over the eyelid. Then apply a soft brown eyeshadow above and through the crease. Then apply chocolate brown eyeshadow to the lateral half of eyelid and gold eyeshadow to the medial half.
Then apply a black pencil liner to upper lash and smudge the liner (for a softer) effect. Cover the lower lash line in a similar way.
Finally, apply mascara to top and bottom eyelashes (you could also apply false eyelashes to enhance the effect). Dark brown or purple mascara would be ideal to go with this style as well as the rest of the looks mentioned in this tutorial.
3. Lilac Elegance
If you’re looking to make an impact on what could turn out to be the day of your life then we suggest that you use the following tutorial.
Firstly cover your upper eyelid with lilac eyeshadow, extending above the crease. Then apply to eyeshadow on the lower eyelid. Now apply a pink eyeshadow on the outer half of your upper eyelid. Then apply black pencil liner, first on the upper lash line, and then on the lower lash line. Apply false lashes and then mascara to both eyelashes.
4. Green Cat Eye
Have you ever looked at cat eyes and thought how beautiful those shiny eyes are? Well if you have got green eyes then you too can have cat eyes if you follow our next tutorial.
Firstly apply skin-toned eye shadow as a base.
Then using a green pencil liner, make two lines. One following the crease from its outer half to its inner half and then extending to the medial angle of the socket. The second line should then extend from your inner angle of the eye to the medial end of the first line.
Then apply green eyeshadow over your upper eyelid: darkest on the inner side, lighter in the center, and lightest on the outer half. Similarly, do your lower eyelid. Then apply false eyelashes and mascara to finalize the look.
5. Modified Green Cat Eye
Instead of applying green all over your eye, you could go with a modification of the above look.
First, just put skin-toned eyeshadow as a base.
Then apply light green colored eyeshadow on the inside of your upper eyelid and then the inside of your lower eyelid. Care should be taken that since we’re not going to apply green all over the eye, one should not use dark shades of green. Then apply black pencil liner to lower lash line.
Another thing you could do instead of the black pencil liner is to use false lashes and then apply mascara.
6. Color Bonanza Makeup
Gold, brown, and green enhance the beauty of green eyes. So what if we combine all three to give you the most vibrant look.
Firstly apply dark brown eyeshadow to your upper eyelid, extending above the crease. Then using a green pencil liner cover the lower lash line. Then apply white eyeshadow to the brow bone, above the area where you applied dark brown eyeshadow and below the eyebrow itself.
Then apply golden eyeshadow to the upper eyelid and apply glitter. To complete the look apply fine black liner to both upper and lower lash line.
7. Blue Heaven Smokey Eyes
A straightforward rule for hazel eyes: smokey eyes suit you the best. Here we present you blue colored smokey eyes which are ideal for high school and college-goers.
Apply white eyeshadow over the upper eyelid extending as well as including the area of the brow bone. Then take a black eyeshadow and apply it to the upper eyelid and then the lower eyelid. Then apply blue eyeshadow on your upper eyelid, the darkest side being the inner half. Then apply black pencil liner to both your upper and lower lash lines.
8. Lilac And Purple
Another combination of colors that suits hazel eyes is of lilac and purple eye shadow. This combination is great if you have an official meeting or an interview.
Firstly apply lilac eyeshadow on your upper eyelid such that it extends above the crease. Then apply purple eyeshadow on the inner half of your upper eyelid and the inner half of your lower eyelid (you may choose to apply dark pink eyeshadow over brow bone as a highlight). Then apply black pencil liner over your lower lash line followed by mascara to complete the look.
9. Pink And Black Eye Makeup
Another highly popular combination of colors for hazel teenagers is pink and black. If you haven’t tried it just look at the following pictures to see how impressive this combination is followed by our tutorial to actually learn it.
Firstly apply white eyeshadow over the upper eyelid as a base. Then apply pink eyeshadow over the upper eyelid. Then apply black pencil liner at the outer 1/6th of your upper eyelid and smudge it off using a brush. Then apply black pencil liner to the outer half of the lower eyelid and finally apply mascara.
10. Seductive Eyeliner
This look is most appropriate for young and middle-aged women and might be considered inappropriate for teenage girls. However, not everyone has the same face shape so you are welcomed to try this at least once in private and then continue with it if it suits you
First, apply white eyeshadow covering your upper eyelid and brow bone. Then apply black pencil liner to your upper lash line and smudge it off laterally using a brush.
This step is followed by applying a black pencil liner to the outer half of your lower eyelid and slightly smudging it as well. Finally, apply false lashes and mascara.
11. Drama And Glamour
This look is ideal if you are looking to make all the others jealous in a party, or if you are simply looking for someone’s attention.
First, apply silver eyeshadow over your upper eyelid. Then apply greenish-gray eyeshadow to the inner half of your upper eyelid.
This is followed by applying pencil liner of the same color to the inner 1/6th of the upper eyelid and then smudge it off using a brush. Then apply black liner to upper and lower lash lines. In the end, apply false eyelashes and mascara to enhance your glam factor.
12. “Double Trouble” Green Eye Makeup
Have you ever combined two eyeliners? If not, there’s a first time for everything.
First of all, shape your eyebrows and apply foundation. Then apply skin-toned eye shadow over the upper eyelid. Then using an angled brush create a correct line starting from the angle of the eye.
This step is followed by making a black line over the upper lash line by using a pencil liner. Then make another line immediately above the black line using a white pencil liner. Then cover the lower lash line with the same white liner. Finally, apply mascara to complete this style.
13. Simple Green Eye Makeup
Sometimes it’s best to let your natural look take center stage. After all, you’ve already got beautiful eyes so let the world know that maybe you don’t need that much makeup.
Just shape your eyebrows and apply the foundation. Then apply either dark green or black liner on the upper lash line and provide contrast by applying white liner on the lower lash line.