25 Always-Valid Rules for Strong and Shiny Hair

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Everyone has had their fair share of hair struggles. You might have changed your hair products or wash routine and have yet to get the best results. Different hair types need different treatment approaches. So, the first thing to do is figure out your hair type.

With your hair type in mind, create a weekly self-care routine. Now that you have a routine, here are 25 rules, suggestions, and tips you can use regardless of hair type.

1. Shampoo Properly

Middle aged woman looks into bathroom mirror
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The first step to proper shampooing is to get the right shampoo for your hair type. For example, if your hair is dry, ensure that your shampoo has additives that help with this.

The next step is to apply the shampoo only to the roots of your hair. The rest of your hair does not need that much shampoo. You can scrub your scalp and let the foam run down the traces of your hair. 

2. Get a Scalp Massager

Woman looking into the mirror satisfied with healthy thick hair
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Scalp massagers are essential because they improve blood circulation to your scalp. Blood circulation means more nutrients will get to your hair roots, which will make your hair healthier. Plus, a scalp massage is relaxing. You will not regret this spend.

3. Take Extra Care of Your Roots

Woman in white undershirt combing her hair
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Roots are the most crucial part of your hair. They require all the nutrients and attention you can give. If your roots are weak and malnourished, your products and hair care routine will not help. Therefore, concentrate on protecting, strengthening, and nourishing your hair. Consider oils like cocoa butter, shea butter, argan, and olive oil. Consider avocado, banana, and egg hair masks when masking your hair.

4. Consider Using a Scalp Scrub

Woman in white towel with comb brushing her wet hair
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When it comes to washing hair, scalp scrubs are rare. Scrubs help with the extra deep cleaning. It may sound unnecessary, but you will thank us once you see how shinier and bouncier your hair will get. A scalp scrub will do wonders if you suffer from blocked or clogged hair follicles.

5. Always Use Hair Conditioner

Woman doing an oil hair treatment
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With all the hair care products you must have bought in the past, you might think that hair conditioner is unnecessary. However, it is a significant part of your hair care routine. When applying it, concentrate on the bottom and middle of your hair. Applying conditioner on the roots of your hair will clog your pores and weigh down your hair. 

6. The Silicone Question

Woman combing her hair while watching the phone
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Is silicone good or bad for your hair? Silicone is an ingredient in most of the hair products. It tames frizz, locks in moisture, and adds shine to your hair. However, silicone products may be less effective on thin, dry, coarse, and curly hair.

7. Weekly Deep Hydrating Hair Mask

Woman applying oil mask to hair tips
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A hydrating mask will nourish and hydrate your hair. As the name suggests, it will help heal your hair from beyond the roots. When purchasing a hair mask, ensure it has nourishing butter, oils, biotin, and avocado, if possible.

8. Stop Overwashing Your Hair

Woman applying hair mask on wet hair
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Do you wash your hair every morning? Well, we are here to tell you to stop. You’re damaging your hair unknowingly. Hair should only be washed when it gets greasy. Daily shampooing will make your hair greasier and dryer. Try a co-wash if you have to clean your hair daily. A co-wash is washing your hair with conditioner.

9. Keep Your Hair Baths Lukewarm, Not Hot

Smiling woman in front of a mirror
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Hot water might feel good on your skin but does the opposite for your hair. Hot water removes all the natural oils and makes your hair extra dry. Stick to lukewarm water, especially if you want to grow your hair.

10. Rinse Your Hair Properly

Smiling young woman applying oil mask to her hair
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Rinsing hair is a craft you need to perfect. Always ensure you have washed off all the hair products from your hair. Any residue can clog and damage your hair. Additionally, since your hair will look dull, you will end up rinsing it again, which will dry it.

11. Have a Consistent Hair Care Routine

Portrait of attractive woman brushing hair in bathroom
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When you create a hair care routine, stay consistent. If you will care for your hair on Saturdays, then ensure you do it every Saturday. Consistency is the fastest way of getting positive results.

12. Protect Your Hair From UV Rays

Young woman examining her scalp
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When protecting yourself from UV Rays, most people focus on their skin. However, the hair needs some protection as well. UV Rays are so powerful they can make your hair dull and dry. Always have extra protection, like a hat, when hitting the pool or beach.

13. Avoid the Ponytail Hairstyle

Young woman applying olive oil mask on hair
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Is your go-to hairstyle a ponytail? Ponytail are restrictive and can cause severe damage to your roots. The constant pulling may even yank off some strands of hair from the root with time. Give your hair the space to be free and breathe. Go for less-tension hairstyles.

14. Invest in Silk Pillowcases

Young woman applying hair spray
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Besides making you feel luxurious and doing wonders for your skin, silk pillowcases help hair by promoting hydration. The fabric helps the hair retain moisture because it doesn’t absorb the hair product. Furthermore, silk pillowcases are the best solution if you struggle with frizz. Say goodbye to bedhead.

15. Practice Gentle Brushing

Young beautiful woman smiling to herself in mirror
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Brushing your hair doesn’t have to be a workout or a WWE Championship. Give your hair some gentle brushing. Try a wide-toothed comb and spray water on your hair before you brush. Alternatively, you can purchase a detangler brush that helps reduce strain and breakage when brushing hair.

16. Use a Hot Hair Brush

Girl using a hair dryer
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We are finally stepping away from blow-dryers and the damage they do to hair. A hot hair brush has less heat and reduces hair breakage. Furthermore, the brush is easier to use and more portable. Therefore, you can travel with it. Say goodbye to curlers, straighteners, and blow dryers.

17. Explore Air Drying Your Hair

Young beautiful woman in warm knitted clothes at home
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Hot air tools help save time, especially when your time is limited. However, if you want healthier hair, minimize the heat you expose your hair to. Air drying is a good option, especially when you are lounging.

18. Trim Regularly

Happy woman using hair iron
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Have you been struggling with hair growth for years? When was the last time you trimmed your split ends? You might be wondering why you need to cut your hair if you are growing it. Split ends mostly grow at the ends of the strand and, when left unattended, can make the hair brittle. Therefore, you might be losing more hair than you are growing. 

19. Put a Pause on Dying Your Hair

Girl walking on the mountain top over blue sea
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Hair dye can significantly worsen your situation if your hair is already damaged. You should pump the brakes on dying your hair for a while until your hair gets some strength back. Focus on re-growing your hair with your natural hair color before you try out any colors.

20. Practice Gentle Patting

Girl using a hair dryer and smiling
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Drying your hair after your wash routine needs a gentle touch. Instead of going in with your towel, try gently patting your hair. Don’t rub your hair the same way you fry your body. It will cause frizz and add to the hair breakage.

21. Reduce the Chemical Processing

Brunette in mirror reflection
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Healthy hair and chemical processing are mortal enemies. However, you can have healthy processed hair. You have to learn how to process it sparingly. Moreover, you should protect your hair from heat, use a leave-in conditioner regularly, and use a cleansing product.

22. Invest in Satin or Silk Scrunchies

Blonde woman with the wavy hair
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One of the leading causes of hair damage is friction. We have already spoken about laying off the ponytail up-do. However, if it’s your go-to comfort style, opt for a silk or satin scrunchy. Keep the elastic bands away from your hair. Elastic bands have a tighter grip that will pull at your hair and contribute to the breakage.

23. Protect Your Hair From Chlorine

Beautiful woman touching her hair
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Chlorine is mainly found in pool water. As a regular swimmer, you may notice that your hair has slowly become brittle and dry. Therefore, other than using a swimming cap, try to rinse off your hair when you leave the pool. Additionally, you could include a clarifying shampoo to restore the nutrients to your hair.

24. Use a Scalp Serum

Beautiful blonde girl with long hair in white dress
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Healthier hair needs to stay hydrated. What better way to keep your hair hydrated than with a serum? Serums are light, so your follicles will not get clogged. The scalp can get itchy and tight, especially when it is not receiving the care it needs. A scalp serum is the answer for scalp aftercare.

25. Dandruff Management

Amazing young girl in mirrored window
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Dandruff is very common. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Brushing your hair will raise the dandruff and make it run through the traces of your hair. How can you get rid of them? Try anti-dandruff products, especially shampoos. Always ensure your hair is hydrated so the flaky clumps don’t get the chance to form.

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