12 Convincing Reasons To Go Remote and Ditch the Commute Now

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According to a survey, 77% of people who work remotely showed increased productivity compared to office workers. The landscape of the modern workplace was redefined with the global pandemic. However, with some normalcy returning, business execs are faced with whether to call back all their remote workers to the office. New findings suggest they don’t need to.

A survey conducted by ConnectSolutions reports 30% of remote workers do more work in less time, while 24% do more work simultaneously. This research is a game changer for the corporate world and how its employees want to work.

Here are the top reasons why working from home is more productive. This is what corporations can learn from these to make themselves more attractive to prospective employees.

1. Elimination of Commuting

Beautiful young woman wearing denim walking
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One common reason why employees prefer working remotely is they don’t want to commute.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average American spends 25.4 minutes commuting to work. And if they live in Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta, and New York, their commute time is tripled.

This commute time is eliminated when employees work from home. Another problem with commuting to work is the psychological cost. Commuters experience stress, boredom, social isolation, anger, and frustration — all on their way to work.

Eradicating commutes reduces stress levels and offers employees additional time to focus on work-related tasks.

2. Health and Well-Being Benefits

Middle aged woman in jeans walking
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Remote workers can also practice healthier habits. It’s easier for remote workers to incorporate regular exercise, balanced meals, and proper sleep into their daily routine.

Another often overlooked advantage for employees is reduced expenses associated with traditional office setups. Instead of a costly salon visit for sleek French tip nails, a worker can enjoy a peaceful morning exercise session, and instead of searching for suitable office wear, embrace a more relaxed dress code. It all contributes to cost savings, time savings, and less stress.

Reduced stress goes a long way toward improving employees’ energy levels and cognitive function. The shift to remote work has demonstrated that productivity is not confined to a physical workspace. Instead, it is influenced by factors that enable employees to optimize their work conditions and reduce stressors.

3. Personalized Workspaces

Man working in the office alone
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The freedom to create customized workspaces is another factor that makes remote workers more productive than their office counterparts. In an office, workers must deal with uniform workspaces with less room for modifications.

With a remote office space, people personalize their workspaces to meet their likes and needs. These alterations minimize distractions and enable employees to concentrate on their work.

The concept of open spaces with shared desks in an office environment, often touted for its collaborative potential, is not a good idea. While open spaces encourage interaction, they can also lead to heightened levels of noise and commotion, resulting in increased distractions.

4. Flexibility in Work Hours

Man with beard works with a computer
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Another contributing factor to productivity for remote workers is the flexibility in work hours. Every person has certain times of the day when they’re most alert and focused. Remote work’s flexibility allows workers to align their tasks with their high-energy cycles, resulting in higher quality outputs.

Another benefit of remote work is that individuals can design a work schedule to reduce the burnout they may experience in an office setting. Remote workers can take breaks when necessary. 

5. Enhanced Work-Life Balance

Two young women chatting during work break
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The flexibility that remote working provides also allows employees to balance their personal and professional lives. Employees working from home can attend to personal commitments such as medical appointments, family needs, and other obligations when they arise.

Flexible hours prevent these commitments from encroaching on work time. In fact, by taking care of their personal obligations, employees can more fully concentrate on their work, also boosting productivity.

When workers feel their employer values them and provides the flexibility to manage their personal lives, their job satisfaction and morale rise. A happy workforce is more likely to invest time and energy into their daily tasks, which also tends to enhance productivity.

6. Technology and Collaboration Tools

Businessman using his mobile phone in the office
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The advent of user-friendly communication platforms, real-time messaging apps, and virtual meeting software have revolutionized remote work. These tools bridge physical gaps between different teams and departments, allowing instant communication.

Internal memos, files, reports, and other important updates can be shared immediately, unlike the delays of traditional communication methods. This quick exchange of information ensures remote workers have access to the latest office data, allowing them to make informed decisions on the go and promptly execute tasks.

7. Fewer Meetings

Kanban board video call
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Remote work has also prompted a reconsideration of the necessity and format of the meetings. 

Technology makes organizing meetings simple, so it’s easy to fall into the trap of organizing one conference after another. However, with more employees working in the comfort of their homes, meetings have become more concise and purposeful.

8. No More Formal Attire

Freelancer working space
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A side benefit is remote meetings also changed the perception of “proper” business attire. With the camera focusing primarily on the upper body, professionals have transitioned from structured work outfits to more relaxed and comfortable clothing styles.

A clear meeting policy and fewer meetings minimize disruptions, leading to more focused work.

9. Better Focus and Deep Work

Woman working with a laptop
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Working remotely allows you to create a workspace that is free from distractions.

In an office, you might face interruptions like impromptu meetings or loud conversations. At home, you can control your environment to stay focused. You can set up your workspace to minimize noise and disruptions. You can have your deep work sessions and your own discretion.

Remote work also lets you work during your most productive hours. This flexibility helps you concentrate better and complete complex tasks more efficiently.

10. Adaptability and Future-Proofing

Hipster man working online as a freelancer
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Remote work is becoming a permanent part of the job market. Learning to work remotely makes you more adaptable and ready for the future.

You develop important skills like effective communication, self-discipline, and digital proficiency. These skills are valuable in any job and can open up more career opportunities.

11. Better Opportunities for Continuous Learning

Teacher talking with her students online
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Remote work often comes with flexible schedules. This flexibility allows you to allocate time for learning and professional development. There are many online courses, webinars, and virtual workshops available.

Employers that support remote work encourage a culture of continuous improvement. Employees are motivated to seek out learning opportunities and bring new skills to the organization.

12. Access to Better Employers

Man in eyeglasses and stylish business attire checking time
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Employers who foster remote work usually emphasize access to a global talent pool. This works both ways.

Remote work gives you access to job opportunities worldwide. You can find roles that best match your skills, values, and career goals, not just local jobs.

Take-Away: The Corporate World Must Adapt

Thoughtful middle aged handsome businessman
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The dynamic landscape of remote work has reshaped productivity. With almost four-fifths of remote workers experiencing increased productivity, it’s safe to say the conventional office setting is no longer the best way to get the job done.

Even if remote work is not an option, the principles and benefits can be transferred to the office environment. Business executives should embrace and adopt this work setup, as it is vital to unlocking sustained productivity.

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