13 Common Addictions Most People Don’t Realize They Have

Young company of friends with smartphones
Image Credit: Freepik.

Addictions often hide in plain sight. They’re not always about substances or behaviors that immediately scream “problem.” In fact, many addictions fly under the radar, disguised as simple bad habits. Here are 13 top addictions that many people don’t even know they have:

1. Over-Exercising

Sporty woman running on treadmill at the gym
Image Credit: senivpetro via Freepik.

For lazy ones like me, exercise addiction sounds unbelievable. However, some people have an unhealthy and compulsive drive to work out. This eventually lessens physical and mental well-being. Individuals with this addiction may feel an intense need to constantly push their bodies to their limits, exercise for hours on end, and ignore pain or fatigue. Needless to say, over time, this can result in physical injuries and exhaustion.

2. Perfectionism

Businessman shouting from frustration
Image Credit: Freepik.

Perfectionism is a clear path to anxiety. People strive for flawless outcomes in every aspect of life. Usually, those afflicted by this condition place unattainable standards on themselves, leading to relentless self-criticism.

Perfectionists often struggle with making decisions, as they fear making mistakes. This addiction can hinder personal and professional growth, as it is impossible to consistently achieve perfection. Overcoming perfectionism involves accepting that imperfections are a natural part of life, focusing on progress rather than perfection. Often, seeking therapeutic support is advisable to manage the self-doubt that often accompanies this addiction.

3. Social Validation

Social validation
Image Credit: Freepik.

It’s strange how people look for validation in every form these days. Be it through social media likes or comments, video games, approval at work, etc. Our insecurity drives us to seek the echo of our own thoughts, and we shy away from criticism or questioning.

Approval has become a cozy cocoon where we feel treasured and unique. It’s an intoxicating elixir; we crave more, like candy on a relentless sugar rush. From CEOs with armies of “yes-men” to religious cults and social media keyboard warriors, we’re all validation junkies.

The wild part? Most don’t even realize how deep the addiction runs.

4. Procrastination

Young creative businesswoman with hands behind head taking a break and resting with eyes closed in the office.
Image Credit: Freepik.

Procrastination is the habit of postponing tasks or responsibilities, often until the last possible moment. While occasional procrastination is a common experience, it can become an addiction when it hinders productivity and causes undue stress. Individuals with this addiction find themselves trapped in a cycle of delaying important tasks. This leads to missed deadlines, poor performance, and feelings of guilt and self-criticism.

Overcoming procrastination often requires strategies for time management, self-discipline, and addressing the underlying emotional factors driving the behavior.

5. Caffeine

Woman enjoy coffee at home
Image Credit: Freepik.

For some reason, caffeine is a serious addiction many people don’t even know they have. Start your day with it, rely on it, and you’re chained to that morning brew before you know it.

You’d be surprised by how many people, young, old, male, female, black, white, CEOs, and Casual laborers, are addicted to caffeine. And when it comes to breaking free? It’s like trying to tame a spitting cobra-not easy.

So, no, the fact that you can’t function without that morning coffee fix is NOT okay. It’s an addiction, a caffeine addiction!

6. Sugar

Happy woman eating delicious tasty eclair
Image Credit: Freepik.

After the caffeine comes the sugar. I think that’s the worst because it’s so addictive. And anyone who thinks sugar isn’t addictive should try not eating any daily. You’ll be sitting at your desk thinking about how much you crave candy or a soda because your body is addicted to sugar.

In the next 20 years, we will talk about sugar the way we talk about cigarettes. Like, “It was obvious it was bad, but we kept doing it anyway.”

7. Watching Adult Sites

Man in front of a computer late night
Image Credit: Freepik.

A friend had a breakthrough at one point and realized that he had consumed adult content every day since a young age. It was surprisingly hard to stop.

His relapses looked like the symptoms after taking drugs. It was as if all the joy and energy was getting sucked out of him for at least two days.

Also, it’s not just a “men” problem. It can affect everyone across genders. It’s a silent battle that many are fighting.

The good thing is that there’s more and more research on how this addiction mirrors drug addiction in the brain, specifically cocaine addiction.

“It’s not addicting like nicotine.” “I just need to smoke before I eat, watch a movie, sleep, leave the house, before work, etc.” Marijuana doesn’t have a physical addiction. But its euphoric effects and munchies can quickly induce psychological dependence, which some choose to ignore.

8. Social Media

A lonely woman watching social media on mobile phone
Image Credit: Freepik.

Seriously, we all love social media. But we also wish it wasn’t addictive and wasted so much time.

It’s a never-ending cycle of deleting and re-downloading.

We’ve all been there – promising ourselves we’ll stop, only finding ourselves scrolling through our feeds once again.

The constant dopamine hits from likes, comments, and notifications keep us hooked. It’s a digital rollercoaster we can’t seem to get off.

9. Online Shopping

A lady doing web purchase
Image Credit: Freepik.

I know this addiction has many of you DEEP.

Like, you genuinely need to order just one thing. But before you know it, you’ve made ten orders for clothing. Then, when the high of the addiction wears off, you start regretting the purchase. You hate it so much, but you can’t stop. You know you need to stop, but it’s so damn hard. Aargh!

10. Video Games

Gamers having fun while playing videogames
Image Credit: Freepik.

Video games can be so pervasive. Some prioritize their WoW (World of Warcraft) account over keeping their job. “But I need it to relax.” Tossing your controller in a fit doesn’t look very relaxing.

At least admit that it’s an addiction. Otherwise, you’ll never be able to manage it. Diablo comes out, and you book time for a marathon with your mates? That’s just a good time. But if it turns into a 48-hour slog, that’s a red flag.

11. Work

Man working in the office alone
Image Credit: Freepik.

I’m sorry you had to scroll so far to find this.

But the truth is that work addiction is probably the most socially acceptable yet deeply insidious addiction. It has ruined so many lives. Workaholics destroy their relationships, families, and their sanity for the “grind.” Then, they insist that everyone around them adopt their insane habits.

12. Phone

Sad young woman with phone
Image Credit: Freepik.

One can be 100% addicted to their phone and not even know it.

They can scroll and scroll and scroll and scroll and completely lose track of time and all things important! Such people don’t realize how addicted they are to their phones until they realize how much they can’t handle boredom.

Being bored, exercising patience, and just waiting are skills these phone addicts no longer know how to do.

13. Self-harm

Insecure woman biting fingernails
Image Credit: Freepik.

Self-harm is hard to break away from once you start relying on it. Even simple stuff like punching the wall, pulling your hair, or biting off your nails is a tough habit to overcome.

Some don’t even realize they rely on many types of self-harm.

It’s important to understand that self-harm is often a way to cope with emotional pain or stress, even though it’s not a healthy or effective solution. Recognizing this and seeking professional help is vital to finding healthier ways to cope with complicated feelings and situations.

Read More: 10 Ways To Identify and Avoid Red Flags in a Relationship

Image Credit: Freepik.

Everyone has an opinion when it comes to relationships, especially publicized ones. As an outsider looking in, it’s easy to spot red flags, but when it comes down to your relationship, it’s not easy to spot red flags. So, how do you know the warning signs to look out for in a relationship?

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